4410. Misbranding of "Alchermes di Firenze," " Liquore Garibaldi," and " Menta Glaciale " and adulteration and misbranding of " Granatina." U. S. v. Mariani Bros., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $25.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. No. 6228. I. S. Nos. 6762-h, 6763-h, 6764-h, 25926-h.
Date Issued:
October 16, 1916
Seizure Dates:
December 4, 1913
Product Keywords:
"Alchermes di Firenze," "Liquore Garibaldi," and "Menta Glaciale; "Granatina"
Defendant Names:
Mariani Bros., a corporation, New York, N. Y.
Court Jurisdiction:
Southern District of New York
Seizure Location:
New York
Shipped From:
New York
Shipped To:
Pennsylvania; West Virginia
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