7790. Misbranding of Brazilian Balm. U. S. v. a Number of Bottles of Brazilian Balm (5 Seizures). Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. Nos. 12528, 12544, 12545, 12546, 12547. I. S. Nos. 14629-r, 14630-r, 14631-r, 15245-r, 15246-r, 12547-r, 12548-r, 15983-r, 15984-r, 15985-r, 15980-r, 15992-r, 15993-r. S. Nos. E-2030, E-2031, E-20.32, E-2029, E-2042.
Date Issued:
November 26, 1920
Seizure Dates:
April 29, 1919, February 10, 1920, February 16, 1920, March 8, 1920, and November 8, 1918
Product Keywords:
Brazilian Balm
Defendant Names:
B. F. Jackson & Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Seizure Location:
Shipped From:
New York
Shipped To:
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