14418. Adulteration of goldenseal tincture, and adulteration and misbranding of codeine sulphate tablets, morphine sulphate tablets, strychnia sulphate tablets, strychnia nitrate tablets, La Grippe tablets, rhinitis tablets, Vitone yeast compound tablets, ipecac fluidextract, belladonna leaves fluidextract, belladonna root fluidextract, colchium seed fluidextract, hyoscyamus flnidextract, and nux vomica fluidextract. U. S. v. Flint, Eaton & Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $31 and costs.
- Case Number:
- 14418
- Collection:
- Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
- Evidence Numbers:
- F. & D. No. 19747. I. S. Nos. 14883-v,. 14886-v, 14889-v, 14891-v, 19573-v, 19728-v, 19731-v, 19739-v, 22804-v, 22807-v, 22808-v, 22809-v, 22811-v, 22812-v, 22813-v, 23091-v.
- Date Issued:
- November, 1926
- Seizure Dates:
- October 31, 1924, and February 25, 1925
- Product Keywords:
- goldenseal tincture, and adulteration and misbranding of codeine sulphate tablets, morphine sulphate tablets, strychnia sulphate tablets, strychnia nitrate tablets, La Grippe tablets, rhinitis tablets, Vitone yeast compound tablets, ipecac fluidextract, belladonna leaves fluidextract, belladonna root fluidextract, colchium seed fluidextract, hyoscyamus flnidextract, and nux vomica fluidextract
- Defendant Names:
- Flint, Baton & Co.
- Court Jurisdiction:
- Southern District of Illinois
- Seizure Location:
- Ohio
- Shipped From:
- Illinois ; Missouri ; Ohio ; Louisiana
- Shipped To:
- Ohio
- Copyright:
- The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain (More information)