15596. Adulteration and misbranding of camphor in oil, quinine dihydrochloride, and quinine and urea hydrochlorlde ampuls, and misbranding of sodium iodide ampuls. U. S. v. The Tilden Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $800.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. No. 21596. I. S. Nos. 13803-x, 13804-x, 13805-x, 13806-x, 13809-x, 13814-x, 13817-x, 13819-x.
Date Issued:
October, 1928
Seizure Dates:
July 27, 1926 ; August 4, 1926
Product Keywords:
camphor in oil, quinine dihydrochloride, and quinine and urea hydrochlorlde ampuls, and misbranding of sodium iodide ampuls
Defendant Names:
Tilden Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
Southern District of New York
Seizure Location:
New Jersey
Shipped From:
New York
Shipped To:
New Jersey
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