20390. Misbranding of Jones' liniment. U. S. v. Jacob K. Spiegel (M. Spiegel Medicine Co.). Plea of guilty. Sentenced to 30 days' imprisonment and 6 months sentence suspended for 2 years.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. no. 28089. I.S. nos. 15796, 16066, 16067, 27530, 28080, 28260, 28261, 28306, 28307, 29122, 29123, 30501.
Date Issued:
December 1933
Seizure Dates:
March 24, 1930, and March 28, 1931
Product Keywords:
Jones' liniment
Defendant Names:
Jacob K. Spiegel, trading as the M. Spiegel Medicine Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
Northern District of New York
Seizure Location:
Massachusetts ; Maryland ; Florida ; Pennsylvania ; New Jersey
Shipped From:
New York
Shipped To:
Massachusetts ; Maryland ; Florida ; Pennsylvania ; New Jersey
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