22561. Adulteration and misbranding of alleged Scotch whisky. U. S. v. 28 1/2 Cases, et al., of Vat 6 Old Scotch Whiskey. Decrees of condemnation and forfeiture. Portions of product released under bond to be relabeled. Remainder destroyed.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. nos. 31992, 31999, 32002, 32023 to 32029, incl., 32046, 32047, 32049, 32050, 32051, 32052, 32068, 32069, 32072, 32073, 32079, 32269, 32270, 32271. Sample nos. 41248-A. 47010-A to 47016-A, incl., 51650-A, 51677-A, 51678-A, 51680-A, 51682-A 54568-A, 54571-A, 54572-A, 58876-A, 58877-A, 58878-A, 58924-A to 58928-A, incl., 58929-A, 58931-A, 58932-A. 62091-A, 66960-A, 66961-A. 67815-A to 67824-A, incl.
Date Issued:
January 1935
Seizure Dates:
December 18, 1933, and February 23, 1934
Product Keywords:
alleged Scotch whisky
Defendant Names:
Joseph Beck Sons, Inc.
Court Jurisdiction:
District of Maryland ; District of New Jersey ; District of Massachusetts ; District of Minnesota
Seizure Location:
Baltimore, Md.
Shipped From:
New York, N. Y.
Shipped To:
Baltimore, Md.
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