23866. Misbranding of canned pears, and adulteration and misbranding of canned prunes. U. S. v. Washington Canners Cooperative. Plea of guilty to certain counts. Plea of nolo contendere to remaining counts. Fine, $80.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. no. 32126. Sample nos. 29174-A, 37024-A, 37132-A, 37223-A, 38495-A.
Date Issued:
October 1935
Seizure Dates:
May 17, 1933, June 9, 1933, and March 17, 1934 ; April 28, 1933
Product Keywords:
canned pears, and adulteration and misbranding of canned prunes
Defendant Names:
Washington Canners Cooperative
Court Jurisdiction:
Western District of Washington
Seizure Location:
Portland, Oreg. ; Los Angeles, Calif. ; Idaho
Shipped From:
Shipped To:
Portland, Oreg. ; Los Angeles, Calif. ; Idaho
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