25783. Adulteration and misbranding of preserves. U. S. v. 21 Cases and 25 Cases of Assorted Alleged Preserves. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. D. nos. 87114, 87115. Sample nos. 40029-B, 40030-B, 40032-B, 40033-B, 40034-B, 51156-B to 51160-B, incl.
Date Issued:
November 1936
Seizure Dates:
October 24 and November 30, 1935
Product Keywords:
Defendant Names:
Old Virginia Packing Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
District of Maryland
Seizure Location:
Baltimore, Md.
Shipped From:
Front Royal, Va.
Shipped To:
Baltimore, Md.
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