27493. Adulteration of cream, U. S. v. Ten 5-Gallon Cans, Three 8-Gallon Cans. and Two 10-Gallon Cans of Cream. Consent decree of condemnation and destruction.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. no. 40323. Sample no. 47878-C.
Date Issued:
January 1938
Seizure Dates:
July 14, 1937
Product Keywords:
Defendant Names:
W. F. Ramming, Iowa Park, Tex.; C. E. Mullin, Nara Visa, N. Mex.; G. R. Grant, Clarendon, Tex.; John F. Sirns, Clarendon, Tex.; Alba Shores, Goodnight, Tex.; C. T. Danner, Happy, Tex.; Wasson S. Price, Plainview, Tex.; Henry Evans, Tulia, Tex.; Ed Boggess, Friona, Tex.; J. H. Holly, Happy, Tex.; R. D. Bryant, Plainview, Tex.; J. G. Tomkins, Hayden, N. Mex.; Ernest Turner, Gallina, N. Mex.; and T. A. Weishaar, Taylor Springs, N. Mex
Court Jurisdiction:
District of Colorado
Seizure Location:
Trinidad, Colo.
Shipped From:
Iowa Park, Tex. ; Nara Visa, N. Mex. ; Clarendon, Tex. ; Goodnight, Tex. ; Happy, Tex. ; Plainview, Tex. ; Tulia, Tex. ; Friona, Tex. ; Hayden, N. Mex. ; Gallina, N. Mex. ; Taylor Springs, N. Mex.
Shipped To:
Trinidad, Colo.
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