29671. Adulteration of canned salmon. U. S. v. 7 Cases and 640 Cases of Canned Salmon (and one similar seizure action). Consent decree of condemnation. Product released under bond.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. Nos. 44199. 44200, 44215, 44216, 44217. Sample Nos. 40393-D, 40534-D, 40536-D, 40606-D, 40607-D, 40637-D, 50833-D, 50834-D, 50835-D, 50847-D.
Date Issued:
March, 1939
Seizure Dates:
August 4, 1938 ; September 13, 1938
Product Keywords:
canned salmon
Defendant Names:
North Pacific Sea Foods Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
Western District of Washington
Seizure Location:
Seattle, Wash.
Shipped From:
Valdez, Alaska ; Dayville, Alaska
Shipped To:
Seattle, Wash.
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