30458. Adulteration of tomato catsup. U. S. v. 69 Cases of Tomato Catsup (and 6 other seizure actions against the same product). Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.
Case Number:
Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
Evidence Numbers:
F. & D. Nos. 44657, 44658, 44659, 44695, 44747, 44796, 44981. Sample Nos. 28189-D, 37780-D, 39811-D, 50544-D, 50549-D, 50580-D, 60911-D, 62520-D.
Date Issued:
September 1939
Seizure Dates:
October 25, 1938
Product Keywords:
tomato catsup
Defendant Names:
Val Vita Food Products, Inc.
Court Jurisdiction:
Western and Eastern Districts of Washington, the District of Oregon, and the Southern District of Alabama
Seizure Location:
Seattle, Yakima, and Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oreg., and Mobile, Ala.
Shipped From:
Fullerton, Calif. ; Los Angeles, Calif.
Shipped To:
Seattle, Yakima, and Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oreg., and Mobile, Ala.
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