2484. Adulteration and misbranding of raisins. U. S. v. 28 Boxes of Raisins (and 6 other seizures of raisins). Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.
Case Number:
Foods, 1940-1966
Evidence Numbers:
F. D. C. Nos. 3592, 3692, 3693, 3734 to 3740, incl., 5268. Sample Nos. 50448-E, 50477-E to 50485-E, incl., 50710-E to 50713-E, incl., 60172-E.
Date Issued:
July 1942
Seizure Dates:
September 20, 24, and 25, 1940
Product Keywords:
Defendant Names:
El-Mar Packing Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
Western Districts of Virginia and the District of Oregon
Seizure Location:
Richmond, Va. ; Astoria, Oreg.
Shipped From:
Stockton, Calif.
Shipped To:
Richmond, Va. ; Astoria, Oreg.
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