16710. Alleged adulteration of macaroni and noodle products. U. S. v. Golden Grain Macaroni Co., Inc., and Paskey Dedomenico. Pleas of not guilty. Tried to the court. Verdict of acquittal.
Case Number:
Foods, 1940-1966
Evidence Numbers:
F. D. C. No. 26349. Sample Nos. 36295-K, 37723-K, 37851-K, 37858-K, 37863-K, 37864-K, 37869-K, 37870-K, 40735-K.
Date Issued:
March 1951
Seizure Dates:
August 11, 16, 20, 25, and 27, 1948
Product Keywords:
macaroni and noodle products
Defendant Names:
Golden Grain Macaroni Co., Inc.
Court Jurisdiction:
Western District of Washington
Seizure Location:
Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon
Shipped From:
Shipped To:
Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon
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