4. Adulteration of flour. U. S. v. 140 Bags of Flour (and 2 other seizure actions against the same product). Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.
Case Number:
Foods, 1940-1966
Evidence Numbers:
F. D. C. Nos. 278, 401, 402. Sample Nos. 60844-D, 61031-D, 61032-D.
Date Issued:
March 1940
Seizure Dates:
May 24, July 13, and July 20, 1939
Product Keywords:
Defendant Names:
Houston Milling Co.
Court Jurisdiction:
Eastern District of Louisiana
Seizure Location:
New Orleans, La.
Shipped From:
Houston, Tex.
Shipped To:
New Orleans, La.
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